This movie is very well done and really expresses in many ways how I look at my life and the challenges of our time. Oneness is not just a spiritual realization it is the magnetizing force our relationships. Living oneness is just so much more fun than anything else…
I’d love to hear from you… 🙂
Daniel & everyone– thank you for the conversation– i just touched in and my first feeling is a sense of relief / hope/ sobriety — the one includes the darkness and the light– we must choose from a wholeness that includes the base, the violent, the suffering — we can only evolve and rise higher if we do it as a whole. blessings Karen
Hi Daniel~
This movie does cover a lot of ground with glimpses of oneness woven within the fabric of our daily, disconnected and unconscious behaviors.
Inspired to join Dances of Universal Peace~thank you Shivadam~
love what you say about the ego being soothed enough to lie down and rest during chanting, meditating and dance.
Feeling inspired to share a poem by a priestess’ daughter and a link to FB 11:11 Event.
My young and wise priestess sister Anna writes a beautiful poem to our Mother Ocean:
“In late April 2010, a massive oil spill erupted in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s flow continues to be felt throughout the ocean ecosystem, impacting all the life forms connected to it.
As people, we stand in witness of our choices and their consequences.
Our society is in the throes of an addiction to oil that does not support life. Let us choose this moment to face the reality of our choices. It is my sincerest hope that the devastation of this oil spill will be the wake-up call that many need, so that we may move forward in responsibility.
That we may walk in beauty, once again.”
Ocean Swimmer
Blood of my body,
waves begin to speak.
Womb of life primordial,
journey to the deep.
Raped in the name of progress,
addicted to your pain,
shadow permeates the surface,
obliterates your name.
We find ourselves at the center,
in the toxic core of choice,
in the heartbeat of our disregard,
will we listen to your voice?
World transforming, dervish whirling,
what we’ve sown is reaped.
Cyclone dancer, chaos swirling,
people in the street.
Changing woman, rainbow woman,
finds perfection in the pattern.
From the arm of the starfish,
to death’s renewing matter.
I share my heart with the fishes,
dead sea turtles on the shore.
Schooled swimmers, now are scattered,
gasping breaths, are nevermore.
From the constellation of my soul,
I share these cleansing tears.
Luminous jewels lost in the ocean,
would, that we all, be made clear.
Ocean Swimmer © Copyright Anna Cariad-Barrett, 2010
Warm Loving Wishes~
An experience of Oneness, aside from it being the actuality behind our collective existence, requires that one in some way overcomes the small self – the ego-based, self-interested self – in order to feel that wholeness. Compassionate and wise action results. What can we do as individuals? That, at the very least.
Any activity that leads a person to that kind of exprience is worthwhile. Setting the intention to dissolve the self into the Self is a good strategy. Many spiritual paths offer opportunities for this, though there may be as many ways of achieving it as there are people. It can happen in a moment, or by way of great effort.
The Divine Self – that which is rooted in Oneness – merely smiles upon the ego as the mother, a child. The ego is not great at dismantling itself, much as it might kid itself that it ‘wants’ to. Mine is soothed, lies down and rests, in silent meditation, in chant, in dance…
Well Done! Such a simple truth and yet seemingly so difficult for humanity to live this truth. Thank you for doing this!
I tend to be very pragmatic, even in matters spiritual. As a student of Kabbalah (which is the basis for the “old” New Age movement and much of the Eastern philosophy) I would like to suggest a homework for all of us who truly believe we are One and who truly wish to heal the world. Think good thoughts. Send good thoughts to the Universe, to people you care or even dont care about. Connect, harmonize. Every thought, says the Kabbalah, creates a ripple effect whose distance cannot me measured. Your good action here can affect someone in Kathmandu, for all you know.
No thought is too small, no action insignificant. Dont feel you’re too small, that you cannot possibly make a difference in this turmoil-laden cauldron that is our world today. Heal your small universe and the big one will feel its effects!
Now – let’s get to it. Let’s truly be One and go to work!
I did enjoy this video, it does an eloquent job of expressing the primacy of relationships over self from an ecological standpoint. It also hammers down the extremely important point that my self interest and the interests of other humans and the system as a whole are not only closely linked – they are inseparable. The ideas are a bit loosely connected, and the images used are effective, but sometimes a little random. It’s hard for me to say if this video would be effective to someone who doesn’t ‘get it’ yet, usually absolute skeptics require more thorough, concise explanations.
The truth of the matter is, we have to expand our own concepts of what community we are a part of before we can all realize that we are one. People are short-sighted, some don’t even expand that sympathetic community beyond themselves, and they are the ones doing the most harm. In my view, people are beginning to see humanity as a world community, but have yet to embrace non-human entities as part of their community. This is where the lack of environmental consciousness comes from, and is going to be the challenge of my generation…
Thanks for including me in your emails about the video. I’ll see you soon!
Loved the Global Oneness video, nothing to say but love the sweetness particularly of the Spanish speaking man w/long hair and beard. Just all humans seeking, is what I see. And the sweetness therein… of course anything is possible as that man said, we couldn’t imagine things the way they are now at one time, peace could happen overnight or a long time from now. Oneness is so clear to me. I also appreciate your adorable innocence and sweetness Daniel.
Great video Daniel! Until people accept that money doesn’t need to be earned solely to be spent they will not embrace the idea that money isn’t required at all to create a sustainable world. Everything we require is readily available in the world, but until we throw off the shackles of this fictitious “economy” we will continue to suffer at the hands of greed and hegemony. Oneness is a concept that is embraced in tiny pockets scattered throughout the world as most people have trouble grasping the concept within their family unit let alone their local communities.
Although I thought this video did a fairly decent job of showing that we are all one, the big “missing” for me is how we get from where we are now (I refer to this as “disconnected”) to a place where we do all feel connected. This is where the real work is and where there is bound to be difference of opinions, etc, which leads us back into “disconnect”…..unless, we choose to see “disconnect” as part of the process.
From my own vantage point, when one sets up a dichotomy – which let’s face it, we know something because we know the opposite – good/bad, sweet/sour, long/short, etc. – one has a tendency to label one of the pair as “desirable” and one as “undesirable”. However, because we are all ultimately one – we need to embrace the undesirable as much as the desirable. This is where the evolution occurs. This is where we learn. And honestly, learning is often painful and divisive.
While I hold to the ideal of a fair and just world for us all – I doubt the soundness of it. Does it truly allow us to examine what it is to be “human” – because that’s what we are in this existence – human. I guess that’s why the mission of AZ Homegrown Solutions starts with “to spark the discovery, implementation and sharing….” We don’t strive to “get it right” but we do strive to be imaginative, to learn with each project, to learn from others, to examine non-human mechanisms and learn from those…..
Do I want to be part of the oneness? Yes – we are already there. Do I want to create a better “oneness” – yes – but my efforts are in continual evolution and thus some of my efforts may be seen as good, bad or indifferent. Therein lies the beauty of it all. No one person, entity or being holds “the answer” – we are all on the many paths to our own discovery.
I think this short video touches on the most important realization of our time – that we are personally responsible for the world we live in, that our thoughts and actions, the way we think (or the absence of engaged cognitive processes) have an effect on the whole, and that the way to change the world is to change ourselves, from within. We have heard it so often that it has almost become a cliche. It doesn’t require guilt or shame, fear or happiness. It requires observing ourselves and our interaction with ourselves and others and slowly but surely moving away from unconscious (default) ways of thinking toward a reflective observation of our role as an integral part of the whole and learning to be in that frame of thought. It requires observation and effort. Ask yourself right now, do I interact with others from a loving, caring point of view, sensitive to the other persons place of mind, or do I continue to entertain my old ways of thinking, do I give power to the injuries and traumas in my life that have acted to shape my current way of being? Do I know how I am and how I got that way? I encourage you with all my heart to make the effort to heal yourself and move past the story that is your life and begin to write the future.
great post as usual!
This is touching and true about what is really possible for us as human BEINGS>
Thanks for sharing. Now I ask myself, who am I BEING to my neighbors/friends/world that makes a difference.
Thanks for all of the work you and others are doing in these latter times. I have been on this ride for quite sometime now, in fact I just finished reading Gregg Braden’s latest book “Factual Time”. And Patricia Diane Cota-Robles “Who Am I? Why Am I Her?”. These were both great books and their timing is right on. Your oneness is great too and I only have 10 “Oneness” books on the shelf.
Thanks Again, Otis
My own activity is completely dedicated to facilitating opportunity for direct experience of this level of Oneness, as is the entire 40 plus year history of the “Dances of Universal Peace.” As a certified leader of the Dances, and as one who has been transformed by the practice over many years, I can speak to the effectiveness of the experience of unity with other beings as a means to cultivate more compassionate awareness and activity in comm-unity, among apparently different cultures, and indeed as a member of the global biosphere. I highly recommend the Dances of Universal Peace as a means to open the heart to the Unity of all beings.
As one of our Dances repeats: “A falling raindrop sees itself reflected in the mirror of a pool / A drop becomes the sea, which in turn becomes the rain!” By partnering in the Dance, we can literally see ourselves, in each other, as reflections of the One.