Watch it if you want to get closer to the truth!
But if you want to keep believing that we can keep doing what we’re doing, eating what we’re eating, traveling how we are traveling, consuming like we are consuming and just simply run all of that on so-called clean energy then you might not want to watch it.
I do believe that the pandemic shows us that we need to change, stay home more, consume less (especially animal products), travel less, slow down, and wake up more to who we really are. Wake up from the dream of endless growth and the dream of competing against each other for a better life. For as long as we do that only the leadership class wins and we leave behind an emotional, spiritual, and physical heritage of pain, depression, hatred, and division.
It is very serious and yet I have hope because I have opened my eyes and I have seen the oneness… our greatest challenge is the challenge of ignorance and insensitivity. We need to help each other to “wake down” into our wholeness and that includes our sacred bodies which are our connection to nature. Let’s make oneness personal… please let me know what you think.
… OK, the film is very controversial. That is Michael Moore’s mode of operation. When it comes to if the film is right or not I am not in one or the other position. I am in the position of caution, just like when it comes to global warming, chemical, and nuclear pollution, and many other issues of our modern times. I am struck by the fact that there is so little talk about the option of changing our behavior. If we would i.e. drive less, consume less, rapidly move toward a more localized food production and economy that moves away from industrial meat consumption and animal products (I personally eat almost 100% vegan) we can make very substantial changes especially if we also plant more trees a green the planet. Care to share more of your thoughts?
It isn’t that the film is “controversial” but that it is so dated, skewed, etc that it is disinformation and destructive rather than instructive.
Well, then that is all good news! I was a little depressed after watching the documentary and you provided a very good website with lots of references and science behind it. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my blog post and I hope that others will find that info as well. I do think we need to stay vigilant though. I agree with what I take as a message of the film which is that technology and industry will not really get us out of our climate crisis but a different culture that is based on cooperation, kindness to all people, and love for all sentient beings on our beautiful planet.