by Daniel | Community, Equality, Freedom, Healing, Mindfulness |
If you’re working on your inner growth, I’d like to thank you. Because when you make improvements to your inner world, you also lift up the reality that exists among all of us, and in fact, you’re improving the consciousness that we all share. That’s why your... by Daniel | Community, Equality, Freedom, Mindfulness |
In one of Jason Silva’s latest videos, he asks the question, “Why are we so sad?” Why are we so depressed? Why are there – according to the UN – 800,000 suicides every year? In fact, over 78 million people in the U.S are prescribed psychiatric drugs to... by Daniel | Community, Community Events, democracy, Drumming, Equality, Music, Sustainable Living |
Come join us on Earth Day 2017 in Phoenix at Agave Farms on Saturday, April 22nd from 1 to 9 PM for music, workshops, yoga, family camp, drum circle, ecstatic dance, speakers, and healers… Most important for being together with millions around the US and the... by Daniel | Community, democracy, Economy, Equality, Freedom, Sustainable Living, Workonomics |
…in fact anything less is not even worth going for” – Charles Eisenstein This deeply resonates with me and I am in 100% support of this. What do you say? This short film by Ian MacKenzie highlights just a few ideas Charles Eisenstein has to share. If... by Daniel | democracy, Equality, Freedom |
I am not sure about how many people actually realize how much we depend on a free and open internet. It seems all our commons are under attack and I am for extending them rather than making them smaller. The internet is our modern noosphere and we have responded to... by Daniel | Economy, Equality, Oneness |
This movie is very well done and really expresses in many ways how I look at my life and the challenges of our time. Oneness is not just a spiritual realization it is the magnetizing force our relationships. Living oneness is just so much more fun than anything...