Three Superpowers to Build the Field of Oneness

The interconnectedness of all life is a simple, yet profound truth. Within this context, Breath, Music, and Energy are living, transformative forces for the experience of Oneness. These three “superpowers” can be integral to your daily life so that you feel whole and connected with others.


Breath is Your Friend

In a world that often distracts us from our own essence, breathing is a powerful tool to reconnect with ourselves. Conscious breathing is a simple, proven way to ground ourselves, cultivate inner peace, and deepen self-awareness. Through breath, we remember our wholeness, which serves as a foundation for genuine connection with others.


Music or the People

Music has a unique ability to bridge our separateness. When we come together to create or experience music, we tap into a collective energy that transcends the individual self. Communal music-making, free from competition, is a pathway to oneness, offering a space where we can feel safe, connected, and genuinely in harmony with those around us.


Living Oneness

Life energy moves within us, between us, and around us—an ever-present flow connecting us all. When we become aware of this energy and give it our attention, it opens up new perspectives and possibilities. Acknowledging this shared energy is a step toward seeing the world not as disparate parts but as a unified whole, with each of us capable of making a meaningful impact.

Breathe for Peace Album Cover

Breathe for Peace: The Sound of Oneness

In early 2020, Daniel released the Breathe for Peace album, *The Sound of Oneness*. Over nearly two decades, he recorded the breath of 220 people, harmonized their unique rhythms, and composed music around these sounds. The result is an album that’s as much a meditation as it is music—a contribution to experiencing oneness through sound. It’s available on Bandcamp, YouTube Music, Spotify, and Apple Music, or you can visit

I have known Daniel for more than 10 years. He is one of the most authentic people I have ever met. Everything he does comes from the heart and everything he teaches goes to the heart. If we were not 6000 miles apart I would hang out with him every day. He knows things that are hard to explain, he connects with people in ways you can’t imagine. He has a ‘knowing’ that will touch your soul. You’ll see!

Mike Lewis

Life Coach, Karate Instructor Extraordinaire

I met Daniel at a dinner, we began to talk, and I was fascinated with him on the spot. He began to talk to me about … breathing. (I thought to myself, yes, I do that. I had no idea.) He invited me to do a breathing session with him the next day. Though fascinated and wide open to anything he wanted to show me, I didn’t know what was about to happen to me, but after one session I signed on for two more. And after two more, another, and then another. Unfortunately (and I mean VERY unfortunately, for a lot of reasons), I had to leave town, or I’d still be doing sessions (though Daniel showed me how to take it on the road). In the first session, he talked to me like the wise musical shaman that he is, and once again, I was riveted, body and soul. 

Chris Coulson


After over a year of ‘breathing’ at Daniel’s weekly seminars, I have a tremendously heightened awareness of myself and others as truly unifiable aspects of one great consciousness.  As we breathe together we know ourselves as one Life.  Also, I have physically expanded my ribcage and breathing capacity after years of constriction in a back brace.  I highly recommend Holistic Tuning to deepen and expand our connections with each other and our knowing of ourselves.

Carrie Goelitz

Beyond Expectations